Thursday, October 18, 2012

It Takes A Village

As the saying goes, it takes others to live life. 

For children, this includes parents, teachers, 
neighbors, friends and more.

But it only takes one to make a difference. One act of kindness. 

Yesterday I have the honor to attend Champions for Children banquet and listen to Jimmy Wayne.
At 13, he was living in his car with his mom and step dad before his step dad, at gun point, told him to get out of the car. Then drove away.  But the story has a happen ending because 
one couple stepped in and changed his life. 

It only takes one. One couple took a chance on him. 
Which snowballed into many. 

Who's village are you a part of? What lives are your changing?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Am I wimpy and weak?

Hired Accountability +  Lack of self-discipline =  Coaching

Coaching is basically hiring someone to hold you accountable....
does that make me wimpy and weak?

For the month of September I did a 30 day challenge called

I went into it to be held accountable. That was my expectation. It's pretty sad to admit that I paid someone to make me do what I already knew to do. However, my expectations were exceeded. What I learned was that I didn't already know what to do. It is more than accountability and self-discipline.  It is support and education.

My "Ah Ha's" are the following.
1. Go HEAVY or go HOME. To get muscle and shape your body, you have to lift heavy weights. I had no idea that it was better to lift fewer reps at a heavier weight. 

2. EAT EAT EAT. The basic equation of calories in (+) and calories out (-) don't equate for the human body. I have lost the game of burn more and eat less in the past. On Shred That Body, I lost weight and fat by eating more than ever. The difference was I was eating the "High Octane Fuel / Food" which made my engine/body run more efficiently. 
(It helped that my coach saw what I was eating daily and giving me feedback)

And the best "Ah Ha".....
3. We are suppose to get and give help from and to others. 
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17

Before        and        After

The arms/shoulders are a bit more defined
Before        and        After

 The tummy fat is less.
Pretty good for 30 days.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome October

This is my favorite month of the year. 

2011 Costumes. What will they be this year?

I love the cooler weather.

I love fall decorations.

I love candy corn pumpkins.

Here are some home ownership tips and October fun in my 
monthly newsletter Over The Fence.