Monday, December 24, 2012

Family Time

I had great joy creating our Christmas card this year.  Looking through the photos to select the best ones to put on the card.  I got to review all our family photos for the year and relive the time we had together.
 I realized all the photos I selected were from trips we took in our RV. 

Last January, Tom decided that it is the perfect time in our children's lives to own an RV. Before we made the purchase I thought of all the other things we could do with that money, including put in a pool. But he looked me in the eye and said "we have a window of time in their lives before they are gone," and I was convinced.  

So far we have been to The Frio River, The Grand Canyon, the great Salt Flats, Arches National Park, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Roswell, Colorado, The Great Smokey Mountains National Park, Vickburg, MS and many other places along the way. But it really doesn't matter where we go. 

It's that we are going together. Bored. Cold. Hot. Broken Down. Excited. The 24/7 family time together in the RV has connected us like we have never been before. I feel so Blessed.

Merry Christmas.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cold Night

Just a reminder to keep everything warm tonight. It is going to freeze.

I'll never forget the winter my brother had cancer. I stayed with my aunt and uncle in the hill country while my parents were with him in Dallas at the hospital. That was a cold winter. Every morning I would get up with my uncle, go to the ranch and we would break the ice on the water troughs so the cows and goats could drink. When we got home to Austin the pipes had broken in our attic and the ceiling in my room collapsed. I wish we had followed the saying, an once of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

For tips and reminders on what to do, follow this link

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dripping Springs

The city of Dripping Springs, with combined efforts from the Historic Preservation Commission, has received a grant to make renovations to Mercer Street, the main street off of U.S. Highway 290 that curves through old town. The plan is to provide safety features while beautifying the street in hopes of attracting more people to stay and visit the area. - Austin American StatesmanThe most recent addition will be a dance hall.