Thursday, January 31, 2013

How is your Leadership?

I have always been interested

 in this topic.

Be a More Gracious Leader


But many of our leadership roles don't have that title, 

LEADER. But you are a leader!

Well one of mine does....Girl Scout Leader

1. Be Confident and Show Empathy

People will follow you if you express that you know what you're doing and where you are going. But not everyone sees it your way or can travel at your pace. See the road from their perspective and help them find the path.

2. Be Punctual and Show Forgiveness

Good leaders manage their time well and are respectful of other people's minutes. But everyone gets overly busy or distracted at some point.  Being a mother is the most challenging leadership role I know and it makes me late to everything else.


3. Be Proud and Show Humility

You should take pride in your accomplishments and push for achievement. But people most admire those leaders whose accomplishments speak for themselves and whose greatest accomplishment is the success of their followers.

4. Be Disciplined and Show Humanity

Serious, focused discipline is what gets most jobs done efficiently and effectively. But not everyone can go nonstop like a robot. Let people be people. They need to relax and recharge. Show them you can have fun as well. A little humor goes a long way to connect and show your human side.

5. Be Recognized and Show Recognition

One should openly accept accolades when they are bestowed. False modesty is not becoming. But hogging the limelight won't inspire your followers. Share the spotlight and the journey. Help everyone participate and enjoy the rewards of accomplishment. I really enjoy gifting my sales associates.

6. Be Bold and Show Discretion

Great leaders step out to the front and charge the action forward. Theodore Roosevelt said it best for those who live life "daring greatly". 

7. Be Spontaneous and Show Thoughtfulness

Being ready for anything is a virtue, and a strong leader knows how to shake things up with excitement. But people also gain strength from a certain level of thoroughness and predictability. They value leaders who take the time to consider all options before venturing off into the unknown.

8. Be Directed and Show Consideration

You're successful because you know how to drive your own success. But people need to follow because they believe.  Demonstrate how the choices you've made will have the same positive affect on their performance. Consider that their life experience is different than yours and help them comprehend the appropriate interpretation.

9. Be Firm and Show Compassion

Most great leaders are likeable not because they are lax. They provide structure for success and make sure boundaries are clearly marked. If too many ignore the barriers, all hell can break loose. But people are naturally well intended. Failure must be approached with compassionate correction and learning. Kindly help transgressors find their way to happiness and success either in or out of your organization.  

10. Be Generous and Show Gratitude

Leaders must give of themselves constantly. They give their time, knowledge, energy, motivation, and insights. They know that the more they give, the more success the team will achieve, and often they do so selflessly. But followers give as well. To feel worthwhile the team needs to know the leader appreciates how the team has gone above and beyond. A grateful leader has a loyal following.

11. Be a Listener and Show Appreciation

Thoughtful listening is important, but often leaders may have to rightly dismiss what was expressed. Listening is not always demonstrated through acceptance. Sometimes the answer is still no. But artful leaders are capable of making followers feel appreciated for simply having the opportunity to share their point of view. Then, even the skeptics will buy in to the vision and commit their all.

12. Be a Leader and Show Compliance

Simply put, the most gracious and powerful leaders are the ones who understand when to step back as a follower and let the most appropriate person lead.

Adapted from the article by:  Kevin Daum