Monday, December 24, 2012

Family Time

I had great joy creating our Christmas card this year.  Looking through the photos to select the best ones to put on the card.  I got to review all our family photos for the year and relive the time we had together.
 I realized all the photos I selected were from trips we took in our RV. 

Last January, Tom decided that it is the perfect time in our children's lives to own an RV. Before we made the purchase I thought of all the other things we could do with that money, including put in a pool. But he looked me in the eye and said "we have a window of time in their lives before they are gone," and I was convinced.  

So far we have been to The Frio River, The Grand Canyon, the great Salt Flats, Arches National Park, San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Roswell, Colorado, The Great Smokey Mountains National Park, Vickburg, MS and many other places along the way. But it really doesn't matter where we go. 

It's that we are going together. Bored. Cold. Hot. Broken Down. Excited. The 24/7 family time together in the RV has connected us like we have never been before. I feel so Blessed.

Merry Christmas.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cold Night

Just a reminder to keep everything warm tonight. It is going to freeze.

I'll never forget the winter my brother had cancer. I stayed with my aunt and uncle in the hill country while my parents were with him in Dallas at the hospital. That was a cold winter. Every morning I would get up with my uncle, go to the ranch and we would break the ice on the water troughs so the cows and goats could drink. When we got home to Austin the pipes had broken in our attic and the ceiling in my room collapsed. I wish we had followed the saying, an once of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

For tips and reminders on what to do, follow this link

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dripping Springs

The city of Dripping Springs, with combined efforts from the Historic Preservation Commission, has received a grant to make renovations to Mercer Street, the main street off of U.S. Highway 290 that curves through old town. The plan is to provide safety features while beautifying the street in hopes of attracting more people to stay and visit the area. - Austin American StatesmanThe most recent addition will be a dance hall. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Place of Memories

East Texas is beautiful. 
The first time I came to Longview was with 
my college roommate, Liz.  
The trees are tall. 
The grass is green. 
The people are friendly. 
It was the same then as it is now. 

Why does a place bring back such memories? Memories you have with you always, but they rise to the top when you get closer to the place. The feelings are stronger and deeper.  So many wonderful memories of my college youth. Carefree. Long Fellows.
 Shreveport. The Rusty Nail. The Ridge. 

The last time I was in Longview was 16 years ago for her funeral.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

It Takes A Village

As the saying goes, it takes others to live life. 

For children, this includes parents, teachers, 
neighbors, friends and more.

But it only takes one to make a difference. One act of kindness. 

Yesterday I have the honor to attend Champions for Children banquet and listen to Jimmy Wayne.
At 13, he was living in his car with his mom and step dad before his step dad, at gun point, told him to get out of the car. Then drove away.  But the story has a happen ending because 
one couple stepped in and changed his life. 

It only takes one. One couple took a chance on him. 
Which snowballed into many. 

Who's village are you a part of? What lives are your changing?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Am I wimpy and weak?

Hired Accountability +  Lack of self-discipline =  Coaching

Coaching is basically hiring someone to hold you accountable....
does that make me wimpy and weak?

For the month of September I did a 30 day challenge called

I went into it to be held accountable. That was my expectation. It's pretty sad to admit that I paid someone to make me do what I already knew to do. However, my expectations were exceeded. What I learned was that I didn't already know what to do. It is more than accountability and self-discipline.  It is support and education.

My "Ah Ha's" are the following.
1. Go HEAVY or go HOME. To get muscle and shape your body, you have to lift heavy weights. I had no idea that it was better to lift fewer reps at a heavier weight. 

2. EAT EAT EAT. The basic equation of calories in (+) and calories out (-) don't equate for the human body. I have lost the game of burn more and eat less in the past. On Shred That Body, I lost weight and fat by eating more than ever. The difference was I was eating the "High Octane Fuel / Food" which made my engine/body run more efficiently. 
(It helped that my coach saw what I was eating daily and giving me feedback)

And the best "Ah Ha".....
3. We are suppose to get and give help from and to others. 
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17

Before        and        After

The arms/shoulders are a bit more defined
Before        and        After

 The tummy fat is less.
Pretty good for 30 days.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome October

This is my favorite month of the year. 

2011 Costumes. What will they be this year?

I love the cooler weather.

I love fall decorations.

I love candy corn pumpkins.

Here are some home ownership tips and October fun in my 
monthly newsletter Over The Fence.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Third Thursday Lunch

This Month we are meeting at 

Please bring your ideas and inspiration to finish out the 4th quarter of 2012 STRONG.

I hope you can join us for some Real Estate networking, because...
You are a part of The Team
Want to learn more about The Team
Are a great supporter of The Team
You are in the Real Estate Industry!

"Teamwork is the fuel that allows 
common people to
produce uncommon results."- Unknown

 - Click here to RSVP

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Seasons are Changing


Yes, we have had a few days here in ATX where 90 degrees felt WONDERFUL. But, I am not talking about the weather. My season of life has changed. Back to school means a whole new reality for our family. Early wake up times. Strict enforcing of rules at home. Coaching the kids to make sure they do what they need to do when they need to do it. It is exhausting.....for all of us. 

My team is tired.

During the second week back to school, I think it all caught up with my third born. She didn’t even have enough energy to find a comfortable place to nap. 

She just passed out.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Team Trainer

If you have a physical problem, come to me. I must know everything...according to my daughters I do.
I have become a resident MD “mommy doctor”. If you want to know what ails any minor living under my roof, ask me.

“Mommy, my ear hurts. Mommy I have a “hanger” (Hang nail). It hurts right here when I do this. My head itches. My eye lid itches. Mommy, I have a cough and need some medicine.  I have a headache.  Do you see this toe, it still hurts. I have an ant bite.” and so it continues.  

My husband will even report in his latest knee or back pains as they speak to his body. Like in The Lion King I get the Morning Report. Followed by the after school and bedtime updates.

I accept my role. Like the trainer on the football team. My team comes to me to let me know how they are feeling. I am learning to embrace this roll and accept it as a gift. As the girls grow, I hope they come to me with all their problems. I pray I remember the importance of listening to them.  Sometimes there is a potion or medicine to give them. Most of the time it is my undivided listening attention they want. A hug and a kiss. And off they get another injury. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Updating the Dream

I have a career of helping people move. Counseling them through their decisions of what their next home will be. Where their memories will be made. They share their dreams and hopes with me. I am often in the middle of the hot conversations between husband and wife as they decide what is is they want. What is important to them. 

Boy, do I sometimes get the "I wants". It's hard not to. I get to see so many beautiful homes and properties. Some with in my price range, many above it. I get to dream my own dreams and let my imagination wonder as I pass thru many amazing homes with my clients. 

Twelve years ago, we found a 5 acre lot. We bought the lot, designed our house. It is a wonderful house. This house was so big and open, until....we had three children. Three children later, now 11, 9 and 6, there is not an open space left. I want a bigger house! Now it is me and my husband deciding what we want, where we want to be, what is important to us. We decided, we want to stay here. Continue the memories, expand the dreams, expand the HOUSE. And so it has begun. Our twelve year old dreams are getting an update.

This is us 12 years ago just moving into our house. I am pregnant with #1.