Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A goal without a plan......

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” 

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Today I got a call from a potential dream client. One who wants to make a plan to get to her goal of moving next spring. She wants to start educating herself now on timing, expenses and areas. What a dream.  

Too often, when making a move, clients don't allocate enough time to make a PLAN to reach their GOAL. Goals are just dreams unless you write them down. You need steps to get there. 

What do you need to know to make your plan towards your real estate moving goals? How realistic are your dream boards on Pinterest and Houzz? Call a Realtor to help you with the following research

1. Know where you want to live. The general geographic area. Defining boundaries my be school districts, lot sizes, house size, etc. Realtors can help educate you on the different communities with in a metroplex and outlying areas.

2. How much does it cost to live there. What does your goal property cost. 

3. What is on the market for sale there now and how fast are they selling. A look at the MLS will let you know if what your looking for is compatible with how much you want to spend and how fast they sell.

4. If selling existing property, what is it worth? How fast/slow will it sell? What other expenses are their associated with that transaction. 

5. Financing - What is the current interest rate. How much will mortgage payments be. Will  you have proceeds from another sale to put down on the next property.  While many Realtor are not experts in this field, they should have a few mortgage brokers and consultants on the team and network to help you.

Life does throw us curve balls that don't allow enough time to make the plan. Just knowing a good Realtor, will help any move you make, more goal obtainable. We are like tools in the tool box.

Who do you know that needs help with their plan? We are happy to serve them.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” 
― Benjamin Franklin

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