Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Do it Yourself.

When I first began this real estate career 17 years ago, I was the public relations department, secretary, marketing department, bulk mail staff, contact manager, copy writer, photographer and so much more.
I want to know the "in's" and "out's" of all the components of my job, but I am not very GOOD at them all. My natural default is to try and do it myself.  "By mine self" as my daughters would say when they were younger.

You Can't Do it Yourself because

1. There are other people that can do it better than you
I don't cut my own hair. If that is not enough to explain this concept, consider why people hire you to do what you do. It is because you are great at it. So, let them do what they do to make you shine.

2. You need to focus your time and energy your on your talents
Since you hired someone to design your logo, you have more time to service your clients and meet new ones. Outsource the trivial 80%  and excel at the 20%.

3.  Grow your Network
People like to do business with people who do business with them. If you stay in the office and never get out, your not going to meet new clients. In real estate I tell my agents they don't want to be "Secret Agents".  Giving others your business is a great opportunity to ask for their business and referrals in return.

4. You need a Team to Succeed
Having others to share your work and life with is so rewarding. You will have more success to share if you do it with others. You need a people component. Most highly successful people get their with by themselves. They build relationships and leverage people, it's efficient.

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